Questionnaire First Name (required) Last Name (required) Your Email (required) Enter your Property Address (required) Is this the residence where the owner lives during most of the year? YesNo, This is my 2nd home.No, This is a rental home. Check each year that the owner was responsible for making property tax payments to the county. 2019201820172016 Check each year the property was the location that the owner lived most of the year. 2019201820172016 Enter Purchase Year: Do you have a copy of your settlement statement/HUD1 from when you purchased your home? YesNo Do you have a recent appraisal (less than 3 years old) from when you purchased/refinanced your home? YesNo Was the property uninhabitable, for 3 months or more, in 2019? YesNo Please check all the reasons for the uninhabitability: ConstructionDemolitionFireWater Damage Is your property currently in need of any major repairs? YesNo Please provide brief detail of repairs needed: Is at least one owner 65 years old or older? YesNo Please enter the birthdate of the owner that is 65 years old or older: Are any of the property owners collecting Social Security for a disability? YesNo Have any of the property owners served in the US Military? YesNo Are any of the property owners a veteran who has returned from combat in the last 12 months? YesNo Are any of the homeowners a disabled veteran with a DD214? YesNo What percent disabled is the homeowner who is a veteran? Less than 30%30-49%50-69%70% or More What is your Annual Household Income? Less than $55kBetween $55k and $75kBetween $75k and $100kOver $100kPrefer not to say You are not entitled to receive any property tax exemptions for this property. This property is neither your primary residence nor your second home. Δ